President's Column 33 (Sep. 6, 2024)
The International Symposium on One Health by Sustainable Bio-ecosystemにおいて基調講演
Keynote speech at The International Symposium on One Health by Sustainable Bio-ecosystem
早稲田大学大隈講堂にて、Jean-Eric Paquet駐日EU大使ご臨席のもと、標記シンポジウムが開催されました。本講演会では早稲田大学教授の竹山春子先生のリーダーシップにより、日本とEU他グローバルに活躍する研究者により活発な意見交換が進められました。早稲田大学の田中愛治総長、農林水産省の信夫研究総務官にもご臨席を賜り、ご挨拶をいただきました。
The above symposium was held at the Okuma Auditorium of Waseda University in the presence of EU Ambassador Jean-Eric Paquet. Under the leadership of Professor Haruko Takeyama, Professor at Waseda University, the symposium was the scene of a lively exchange of views between Japan, the EU and other globally active researchers. President Aiji Tanaka of Waseda University and Research Director Nobuo of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries also attended the symposium and gave their addresses.