東京農工大学-海外研究留学プログラム* TUAT Encouragement Grant for Research Internship at Overseas Institution*

This program is sponsored by the TUAT Foundation.



 国際的な人脈形成の芽、共同研究の芽
 グローバルな視点で自身のキャリア形成を模索する芽
 国際社会における自身の研究の価値・可能性を見つめなおし、新たな価値の創造を模索する芽


This program is sponsored by the TUAT Foundation to develop global human resources. It aims to provide students opportunities to cultivate their own future value by challenging research activities at overseas institutions, before entering graduate school or at the early stage of graduate school. Fourth-year undergraduate students (or sixth-year undergraduate students at Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine) who plan to enter a TUAT graduate school, and master's students (professional degree program students, and first- and second-year students in five-year integrated doctoral programs) are eligible to apply to this grant.

Outcomes expected of participating students to achieve through this program

As a young researcher, in order to cultivate own new future value, to nurture the growth of the following talents.
 Developing the foundation of international networking and joint research
 Exploring to develop one’s career from a global perspective
 Reflecting on the value and potential of one's own research in the international community and exploring to create new values

助成人数 Number of grant recipients:


Approximately 10 people per year selected by screening process (there may be a slight increase or decrease in the number of recipients depending on the budget allocation).

助成内容 Grant breakdown:


Expenses for the following (1) and (2) to carry research activities at an overseas institution for 2 to 6 months
(1) Travel expenses: up to 200,000 yen for flight ticket costs to travel to the destination
(2) Stipend: 100,000 yen or 150,000 yen per month depending on the destination*
*For details, please refer to the Application Guide.

応募期日 Application submission deadline:


Monday, February 3, 2025

申請方法 How to apply the program:

応募の詳細は、募集要項 をご確認ください。

Please check the Application Guide (Application Guide) for the application details.