海外から入国・再入国する外国人留学生(在校生・新入生)の皆様/To international students entering Japan from Overseas
- 外務省「新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する水際対策の強化に係る措置について」(日本語)
- MOFA “Border enforcement measures to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19)” (English)
1) 2020年7月24日時点で入国拒否対象国に新たに17か国が追加され、入国拒否対象国は146か国・地域となっております。(日本国籍者は対象外)
2) 上記入国拒否対象国以外の国・地域に発出されている査証制限措置については、適用期間が8月末まで延長されました。(日本国籍者は対象外)
① 日本の空港に到着後、自宅までの移動は公共交通機関を使用しないで下さい。
※ 下記の厚生労働省サイトで紹介されているハイヤー会社のハイヤーは、空港から自宅等の待機場所までの移動手段として利用可能です。
② 日本に到着後、14 日間は自宅に滞在し、不要不急の外出は行わないで下さい。また、他人との接触は極力避けて下さい。
③ 発熱・咳・息苦しさなどの症状がある場合は、速やかに保健管理センターに電話で相談してください。
学務課 国際交流室
電話 042-367-5913
E-mail tuat-international-office*m2.tuat.ac.jp
To TUAT International students / To Prospective International Students
As of August 4, 2020
Even though the state of emergency in response to novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has been lifted in Japan, in regard to “departing for overseas” and “entering Japan from overseas”, as of August 4, 2020, border restrictions as well as Level 3 (avoid all travel) or Level 2 (avoid non-essential travel) issued on travel to all countries/regions of the world according to the Infectious Disease Risk Information of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Japan are still in effect, as described below.
▼Entering Japan from Overseas▼
As described below, refused entry into Japan and visa restrictions placed by the Japanese government are still in effect.
◆Countries/regions subject to refused entry into Japan/visa restrictions (refer to the MOFA web page below)
- 外務省「新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する水際対策の強化に係る措置について」(Japanese)
- MOFA “Border enforcement measures to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19)” (English)
1. On July 24, 2020, after additional 17 countries/regions were added to the list of subject countries/regions, entry of travelers into Japan from a total of 146 countries/regions is subject to refused entry. (except travelers who are Japanese nationals)
2. In addition, restrictions on visa issuance being placed on countries/regions other than above-mentioned countries/regions will be extended until the end of August. (except applicants who are Japanese nationals)
※ New students, who plan on entering TUAT, can apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) at Immigration Bureau of Japan. However, there are cases that application screening may be on hold, therefore it may take longer than usual until the COE is issued.
※ Due to restrictions on visa issuance, there are cases in which visa issuance is on hold at a Japanese embassy in the subject country/region where a student applies for a visa, even after his/her COE is issued. Please contact the Japanese embassy in the country/region where you apply for a visa regarding the current situation of visa issuance (as for the validation period of a COE, a preferential measure is currently in effect. Therefore, a COE validation period will be extended for additional 6 months).
【Important】Re-entry of Foreign Nationals Possessing the Status of Residence in Japan(as of July 31, 2020)
Foreign nationals with a re-entry permit, who had left Japan for a country/region prior to the entry restrictions on the travelers from the country/region were placed, will be allowed to re-enter Japan from August 5, 2020
Regarding the re-entry into Japan, foreign nationals are required to obtain a “Letter of Confirmation Submitting Required Documentation for Re-entry into Japan” in advance at an embassy/consulate-general of Japan located in the country of your stay.
Firstly, please check the MOFA websites below for necessary documents and process.
◆TUAT"Guidelines for International Students’ Entry/Re-entry into Japan"◆
Regarding international students’ travel to Japan, please ensure all the conditions on the following guidelines are fulfilled and prepare for your travel to Japan.
【Checklist: Must Follow Upon Entering Japan】
If entering Japan from overseas/returning to Japan from overseas, regardless of the nationality of the traveler and traveler’s departure country/region, you must follow 1. to 3. listed below.
1. Upon arriving at an airport in Japan, do not use public transportation to move to your place of residence/accommodation.
※ After consulting with your supervisor and prior to leaving the departure country, secure means of transportation other than public transportation.
※ Vehicles belonging to the “vehicle for hire” companies introduced on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan webstie below can be used as a means of transportation from an airport to your place of residence /accommodation.
(Please note that ordinary taxis are not permitted to be used as a means of transportation.)
2. After arriving in Japan, self-quarantine in your place of residence/accommodation for 14 days. Refrain from going outside unless absolutely necessary.
During the self-quarantine period, minimize contact with other people as much as possible.
3. If you have symptoms such as a high fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, immediately call TUAT Health Center for consultation. (TUAT Health Center: 042-367-5548/5189)
TUAT International Office
TEL 042-367-5913
E-mail tuat-international-office*m2.tuat.ac.jp
replace “*” with @.